Autumn 2015: Westbahnhof railway station was bursting at the seams with the crowd of people who were stranded in Vienna and slept on blankets on their journey in search of a better life. Less than ten kilometres further on, the empty Doka offices at Auhof were waiting for a new purpose. It seemed only logical to link the two. The rooms were rapidly modified and a short while later the first refugees moved into the space where formwork orders had previously been processed. The “House Rosa”, as the operators, Caritas, called the property, was turned into emergency accommodation for a total of 222 women and their children. Also the employees promptly decided to organise a campaign for donations.

The space has now been returned as the need for emergency accommodationn is covered. The residents, from no fewer than 19 nations, have moved on. We should like to take this opportunity of thanking all the employees for their generous donations in kind. And we wish the residents all the best on their journey towards a better life.